Saturday 21 April 2018

Crypto Markets Continue the Upswing – What are People Saying?

  Rits Official       Saturday 21 April 2018
There’s a crypto market upswing happening. This is further evidence of the unpredictable nature of crypto but at least this time the coins move in favor of the bulls. The upswing has continued into this week.
Crypto Markets Continue the Upswing – What are People Saying?

While it’s true that some coins started to struggle mid-week, the majority of the coins were up – just like today. Currently, Bitcoin (BTC) is up 2.87% in the past twenty-four hours, Ethereum (ETH) is up 5.84% in the past twenty-four hours, while Ripple is up 16.12% in the past twenty-four hours. 
So, now that it has been made evident that the reports headlined “crypto markets continue upswing” are telling the truth, let’s find out what the masses are saying about it, shall we?

The Crypto Market Upswing Continues

One crypto investor tweeted that even though the crypto markets are looking good, there needs to be a solid week run. 
Crypto Markets Continue the Upswing – What are People Saying?

Another user expressed their thoughts on the bounce back in the total cryptocurrency’s market capitalization. 
Crypto Markets Continue the Upswing – What are People Saying?
Meanwhile, one Twitter user stated that while he is happy the crypto market is up, and altcoins are rising, it is important to remember a few things. For instance, just because a bull market may have commenced, it’s important to remember that it isn’t official until Bitcoin (BTC) takes off. 
Bitcoin is currently selling for $8,496.96.
Crypto Markets Continue the Upswing – What are People Saying?
Then we have this Twitter user, who decided to pay attention to the fact that Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash holders are going after one another. According to Garry Pas, this is a sign of a healthy market. Bitcoin Cash is currently selling for $1,107.35, which puts the coin up 14.43% in the past twenty-four hours. 
Crypto Markets Continue the Upswing – What are People Saying?

The Crypto Market Upswing – Will it Continue?

Do you think this upswing will continue over the weekend, and into next week? It’s hard to tell. There certainly is a lot of exciting stuff going on in the crypto markets right now, therefore, that might act as an indication that the crypto markets are going to continue to grow. Or not – who really knows, these markets are volatile. 

Thanks for reading Crypto Markets Continue the Upswing – What are People Saying?

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